A very wet summer could have caused setbacks on the work for the Preston Western Distributor road, however, OnSite’s team were on hand with their PortaDam temporary dam solution to bring the schedule back on track!

Despite a wet summer, OnSite ensured work on the Preston Western Distributor road headed in the right direction.

It was late October in which the Preston end of the two and a half prise western distributor close to the a583 & A5085 junction looked like this.

Rain over the summer caused delays to earthworks and piling along the length of the new dual carriageway

OnSite created a PortaDam (temporary dam) on the Lancaster Canal to allow for the installation of a new culvert pipe.

OnSite use a technique called electrofishing to catch fish that need to be relocated during canal drainage work. Moving a total of eight Pike and Perch fish and relocating them safely to another part of the canal.

Allowing Onsite to commence drainage of the canal, draining 22 meters of the waterway.

The Preston Western Distributor will connect to the M55 via a new junction at Bartle

(All images: Costain) Article

If you would like to speak to OnSite regarding PortaDam please contact us on 01905 340 054

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