OnSite provides a comprehensive range of de-vegetation management services, across the UK that has developed to compliment the vast range of services and civils capabilities operating across all sectors.
Vegetation and tree removal within and adjacent to watercourses and culverts. Management and eradication of invasive species such as Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knot Weed. Re-planting and encouragement of natural species.
Containment systems which allow the natural biodegradation of species during periods of growth where removal isn’t possible and double up as habitats for invertebrates and small mammals.
Key Features
- Specialist ecology and environmental management
- Extensive capability for off-road and hard-to-access locations
- Framework contractors to the Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust and Local Authorities
- Site Clearance
- Tree Felling and root cutting
- Removal of Invasive Species
- Planting of trees and seeding and encouragement of native species
- Ecological Surveys
- River bank maintenance
- Maintenance/Removal of vegetation and shrubbery (including lineside)
- Rail cutting and embankment clearance
- Newt Fencing
- Complete Turnkey solutions
- In-house capabilities
- A range of 0ff-road and remote capabilities